Memorial plaque commemorating 14 civilians who died when a German H.E. bomb landed on the corner of Oakfield Road, demolishing several houses on both Oakfield Road and Moss Lane, Altrincham, 23 December 1940.

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Memorial plaque commemorating 14 civilians who died when a German H.E. bomb landed on the corner of Oakfield Road, demolishing several houses on both Oakfield Road and Moss Lane, Altrincham, 23 December 1940.


Photograph by Pauline Jones, Local Studies Advisor, Trafford Local Studies


December 2020


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“Memorial plaque commemorating 14 civilians who died when a German H.E. bomb landed on the corner of Oakfield Road, demolishing several houses on both Oakfield Road and Moss Lane, Altrincham, 23 December 1940.,” Exploring Trafford's Heritage , accessed May 2, 2024,