Bomb damage to houses on Davyhulme Road, Stretford,

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Bomb damage to houses on Davyhulme Road, Stretford,


Houses on Davyhulme Road, Stretford, were bombed by German planes on 23rd December 1940. The residents of number 112, Christine Cowan, her brothers Ian and Hugh, and their parents, were visiting their grandfather in Stretford. He asked them to stay over with him because he had a premonition that something was going to happen that night. They returned to find that their house had suffered a direct hit and been totally demolished. All they had were the clothes they stood up in, but unlike some of their neighbours, they had escaped with their lives. The family were evacuated to Mow Cop in Stoke on Trent until 1947 when the houses were rebuilt. Their father stayed with his parents in Stretford to continue with his work at Metro Vicks in Trafford Park, and visited them once a month.




Trafford Local Studies Centre Collection. Archive reference TL7903


23rd December 1940.


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Unknown, “Bomb damage to houses on Davyhulme Road, Stretford,,” Exploring Trafford's Heritage , accessed April 18, 2024,